
transition × transform


Thrive supports individuals and organisations who believe change is possible and are committed to growth, learning and transformation.

Dr Elisa Pepall is an experienced life and leadership coach based in Perth, Western Australia. She works with others globally who are wanting to see transformation both in themselves and in the world around them.


a bit about me...

I am passionate about helping individuals and organisations gain clarity and build resilience in order that they may realise and reach their potential.

I am an Associate Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation.  My career spans 15 years of diverse national and international roles with an emphasis on health promotion and health service delivery, research, project management and evaluation. 

Married, and as a mother of two, family wellbeing is a core value of mine which influences my work and personal life. Authenticitywholeness and connection are other key values that underpin everything I do.

Some of my credentials include:

  • Bachelor of Science (Occupational Therapy)
  • Masters in International Health
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD research on the topic of Strengthening Family Resilience within the Humanitarian Sector)
  • Member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF)
  • Countries of experience include Australia, Mongolia, Indonesia, East Timor, Sri Lanka and Cambodia 
We cannot become what we want to be by remaining what we are.
— Max DePree


My coaching approach honours your priorities and inner resources and is practical, strengths based and results focused.

I want you to live and work with clarity, courage and conviction.

You choose the issues to bring to the table.

Coaching sessions can be done in person, or remotely via phone or internet. Distance is no barrier.

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Life Coaching

Life coaching is a partnership that helps you create the life you desire. It helps you get "un-stuck" by bringing clarity and focus to what you really care about. Coaching provides a bridge between where you are now and where you want to be. 

So if you’re looking to improve your career or change it or address another aspect of your life, like work/life balance, relationships, or parenting, life coaching is a great place to start.  

Whatever area of life you'd love to change, life coaching tackles the challenge from a number of different points: 

  • Do you REALLY know what you want? 
  • What's possible and what's holding you back?
  • A clear path to follow
  • Genuine support and encouragement all the way
Photo by PorKaliver/iStock / Getty Images

leadership coaching

I work with proactive leaders at all stages of their development to enhance their performance and impact. Investing in the personal and professional development of leaders has a positive flow on effect to their teams and the wider organisation they are part of.

Where generally training and workshops focus on the needs of many, coaching is tailored to your specific needs. Some of the focus areas that leaders have sought coaching on with myself include:

  • Managing change
  • Developing resilience and stress reduction
  • Prioritising and managing competing demands  / life balance
  • Nurturing a healthy team and organisational culture
  • Handling difficult conversations with candour and curiosity
  • Succession planning
Photo by PorKaliver/iStock / Getty Images

Transition Coaching

Have you recently found yourself on the cusp or in the midst of a challenging transition? This could be work related, relational, geographical or even a personal crisis.

Transition coaching is a particular type of coaching that focuses on preparing or helping you adapt to a specific change. Sometimes we don't get to choose change, it happens outside our control. Coaching will empower and equip you, allowing you to feel confident and maybe even excited about the next season or chapter in your life.

Having completed my doctoral research in family resilience and transition, and having lived and worked abroad, I have a particular passion for supporting cross-cultural workers to thrive wherever they are.


Support expatriate transition

Expatriate relocation is costly. I can support your organisation to maximise return on this significant investment and avoid the risk of premature departure by providing tailored transition coaching for both staff and their dependants. Other available services include manager training and organisational audits on staff care.

Build resilience and enhance wellbeing

Contact me if you are seeking staff training or management workshops with the aim of strengthening employee resilience and wellbeing. My facilitation style is interactive and open and ideas shared are research based.

transform leadership

For companies that really want to see results, contact me to discuss a coaching package that will support multiple key leaders in order to accelerate cultural and strategic change. Invest in the human potential you already have and become clear about the results you are aiming for.


Troy Lowe, Leading Teacher, Australia

"My goal is to create a school environment where every teacher and student is always learning and leaves as a better person from his or her time there. A task I find worthwhile but very challenging. Though my coaching with Elisa she has kept me focused on this goal and inspired me to think big; to take risks; and to see how I can learn and grow through my mistakes. As a coach, Elisa balances insightful, powerful questions while having unconditional warmth regardless of my responses. 

I would highly recommend coaching with Elisa to anyone looking to make progressive, resilient progress in any area of their life. It is not a quick fix, but over time the progress is authentic and real."


Esther Croote, HR Specialist and Chaplain, Australia

"Elisa, when I started my 6-week coaching session with you I had no clear idea of what to do next with my life. I simply knew that I wanted significant change but didn't know how to initiate that. I vaguely had some ideas of what I wanted to do but did not really think it is possible or that I could make it happen. 

From the first to the last session, including the very wobbly middle one, you created a safe space where I could share my very random thoughts, some painful experiences and dreams which I had all but given up on. I loved the way you acknowledged the past but helped me to not dwell on it. You gracefully kept me accountable and on task, ensuring that I moved forward each session and setting me on a path to achieve my goals in a very practical measurable way without ever making me feel overwhelmed. Your coaching has shifted me from an emotionally scary place to a confident expectant place."

Anne Scharrenbroich, Senior Human Rights Lawyer, Germany

"Elisa journeyed with me as we prepared as a family to leave one country for another... new homes, work, friends etc. Coaching helped this naturally sad departure to be characterised by excitement rather than fear, steady progress and preparation rather than panic, and closure and thankfulness rather than rushed unfinished business. I would highly recommend Thrive coaching for individuals facing transition.

Thanks, once again, Elisa!"

Cathy Hunt, Cross Cultural Worker, Cambodia

"I came to Elisa for coaching because I had a specific decision to make about a future course of action. I found that by defining what I wanted to get out of coaching and then talking through the issues involved in the decision I was able to see more clearly the way ahead. Elisa used insightful questions and reflected back what I was thinking in a way that helped me to see my feelings clearly in a way I hadn't before. I was then able to decide on a plan to move the decision forward instead of being so stuck. I found Elisa easy to talk to and get straight to the point with."



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Feel free to contact me to arrange for a free no obligation coaching session. It's the best way to see if I'm the right coach for you.

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